
How do I reach Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall B from the nearest station?
Please see the Access page for details.
How do I get there by bus?
Please see the Access page for details.


Is parking available?
Yes, parking is available. Depending on the event, you may be able to use a parking lot for visitors to Marine Messe Fukuoka (Parking No. 2 and No. 3).
You can also use Parking No. 1, which is located on the eastern side of Fukuoka International Congress Center.
For details, please see Parking No. 1 Information and Map of Nearby Parking Lots.
What time do parking lots open?
Parking No. 1 is open from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. The opening times for other parking lots vary depending on the event. Please call for more information (092-262-5111, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.).
*Parking lots may sometimes be unavailable during events (expositions, conventions etc.) in which the whole venue has been booked. In such cases, please contact the organizer.
Are disabled parking spaces available?
Yes, disabled parking spaces are available. Those in possession of a disability certificate qualify for a discount parking fee. When parking, please present your Physical Disability Certificate, Rehabilitation Certificate, Mental Disability Certificate, or other similar certificate.*Please note that only a limited number of disabled parking spaces are available.
Please call to reserve disabled parking spaces (092-262-5111, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.).
*Parking lots may sometimes be unavailable during events (expositions, conventions etc.) in which the whole venue has been booked. In such cases, please contact the organizer.
Are motorcycle/bicycle parking spaces available?
Yes, there is a motorcycle/bicycle parking lot in Parking No. 2 and No. 4.
Please refrain from parking motorcycles/bicycles outside of the designated areas.


Where can I purchase tickets for events (including tickets sold on the day)?
Please address inquiries regarding tickets to the event organizer.
Please see the Event Information page for contact details.
How do I know where my seat is located?
There is no preexisting seating.
Seating plans and numbers vary depending on the event. Please check with the organizer for details.
Is there standing room for events?
There is no standing room.
*Excluding standing-only events


Can I eat and drink in the venue?
This depends on the event. Please check with the organizer to see whether or not food and drink are allowed in the venue.

Lost Property

I think I lost something during an event. What should I do?
In principle, all lost property is dealt with by the event organizer. Please see the Event Information page for contact details.
Fukuoka Convention Center keeps lost property found at concerts. Please call for more information (092-262-5111, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.).


Do you have a restaurant?
No, we do not.
For information about nearby restaurants, please see the Lunch Map.
Do you have a smoking area?
Smoking is prohibited throughout the building.
Do you have coin lockers?
Yes, we do. Coin lockers are located on the 1st Floor. Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you have disabled toilets?
Yes, we do. Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you have a nursing room?
Yes, we do. Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you have AEDs (automated external defibrillators)?
Yes, we do. There is an AED at the 1st Floor entrance lobby and Disaster Prevention Center.
Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you provide a wheelchair loan service?
Yes, we do. Wheelchairs are available for use in the building only. If you wish to use this service, please ask the organizer of the event you are attending.
Please note that only a limited number of wheelchairs are available.
Is Wi-Fi available?
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the building.
*Wi-Fi may not be available for some events due to staging or other reasons.