Visiting Fukuoka Kokusai Center

How do I reach Fukuoka Kokusai Center from the nearest station?
Please see the Access page for details.
How do I get there by bus?
Please see the Access page for details.

Car/Bicycle Parking

Do you have parking facilities?
Visitor parking spaces are not provided. Please use a nearby pay parking lot. Please see the Access page for details on nearby parking lots.
*The parking area may sometimes be unavailable during events (expositions, conventions etc.) in which the whole venue has been reserved. In such cases, please contact the organizer.
Are there any other parking lots located nearby?
There are other parking lots located close to the center and station. However, these are in high demand during events, so we recommend that visitors come by public transportation where possible. Please see the Access page for details.
What time does the parking area become available if the whole venue has been reserved?
It depends on the event. Please check with the organizer for details. Please see the Event Information page for contact details.
Do you have bicycle parking facilities?
There is space for around 100 bicycles in the front entrance.


Where can I purchase tickets for events (including tickets sold on the day)?
Please address inquiries regarding tickets to the event organizer. Please see the Event Information page for contact details.
How do I know where my seat is located?
Please see the Seating Plan page for general seating information. For further details, please check this page on the day of the event.
Is there standing room for events?
Standing room is located at the rear of the 3rd Floor stand. *The location of standing room differs in the arena.


Can I eat and drink in the audience seats?
We are afraid that food and drink are not allowed in the audience seats. Please eat and drink in the rest area outside the hall.

Lost Property

I think I lost something during an event. What should I do?
In principle, all lost property is dealt with by the event organizer. Please see the Event Information page for contact details.


Do you have a restaurant/shop/vending machines?
Yes, we do. Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you have a smoking area?
Smoking is prohibited throughout the building. Please use the designated smoking areas.
Do you have coin lockers?
Coin lockers are located on the 1st and 2nd Floors. Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you have disabled toilets?
Yes, we do. Please see the Facility Guide page for more details.
Do you have AEDs (automated external defibrillator)?
AEDs are located in the Surveillance Room on the 1st Floor.